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Plumeria stenopetala
[ Apocynaceae ]

A true botanical species of Plumeria. Rare. A magnificent plant with very fragrant flowers. Large clusters of white flowers hanging down, with thin, curly petals, and a very pronounced jasmine scent. The branches are thin, as are the glossy dark green leaves. Annual pruning is easy to control. Cuttings are difficult to root, which is probably one of the reasons why plants are rare. Can be propagated by seed, but these too are rarely viable. Thin branches with a strong weeping habit and spider-shaped flowers smelling of jasmine. Flowers profusely.
Plumeria stenopetala

Seeds (3) : Out of Stock

Cutting 15-20cm :
26.6 €

Flowering plant . Plant which produce fragrant flowers .

Temperature during winter
Watering during automn-winter
Watering during hot season
Fertilizer during growth

2 gravel + 1 soil + 1 humus

Indoor during winter temperature min. from 11 to 16C


Rarely ( when the substrate is dry )

Regularly and abundantly, but avoid that the water traverse the pot

Regularly but with spacing
No pruning
Repot every year if possible

Saint Leu - Reunion

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