Commonly seen on the Island of Hispaniola, this pretty palm sports a solitary or rarely clustered, slender, smooth trunk to 10 m (33 ft.) tall. Its circular, fan-shaped leaves are dark green above and beautifully silvery below, most showy when they slowly move in a light breeze. In its native range it is found in open areas or pine woodland on rocky, calcareous soils, and also frequently in disturbed areas, where it spreads freely. It adapts readily to cultivation in warm temperate and tropical areas and can take some coastal exposure.
Seeds (3) : 3.99 €
zone 12 = Winter minimum temperature above 10C (above 50F) Savanna Grassland Dry tropical forests
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Monoecious ( Plant bearing both male and female flowers ) Solitary ( single-stemmed ) Pinnate Leaves ( Feather-like ) Resitant to salty sea air Drought-Tolerant Colored leaves
Temperature during winter
Watering during automn-winter
Watering during hot season
Fertilizer during growth
1 gravel + 1 soil + 1 humus
Indoor during winter temperature min. 17C
Rarely or from time to time
Regularly but without excess, and especialy during summer